اخبار كورة

Messi reaches unreal statline: 30 goals and 20 assists club and country this season

When Leo Messi first arrived at PSG, many doubted he woudl reach the level of performance he had at FC Barcelona. Initially, he did deliver weak numbers but he needed to adapt to a new country and a different culture. The first sign he was going to be okay was his level of performance with the Argentina National Team. As a result, he won the FIFA World Cup in December and led his team to the biggest glory of his career. At PSG, Messi has been consistent throughout the entire season but he reached a stat line today that proves why he is such a complete player.

With his goal against Nantes in Ligue 1 on Saturday, Messi reached an impressive 30 goals and 20 assists in 39 matches this season with club and country. At PSG alone, Leo already scored 18 goals and delivered 16 assists in all competitions. With the Argentina National Team, Leo has already scored 12 goals and delivered 4 assists between friendly games and the FIFA World Cup. Recently, he was just recognized as The Best footbaler in the world during 2022 by FIFA. Messi is living large but he will need the best level of performance of his career in PSG's upcoming game.

Bayern Munich is the biggest obstacle in Messi's road

The recent performances from Messi could prove to be an illusion as he's only played like that against Ligue 1 and Couple de France teams in his club. Against Bayern Munich, Leo wasn't able to deliver any of his previous performances when he was at FC Barcelona. Let's be real, PSG brought Leo Messi in order to have a better shot at winning the Champions League. He will be considered a flop if he doesn't manage to at least reach the final before he leaves the French club. The upcoming game in Munchen is the ultimate test for Messi and PSG. Will he shine against the German giants or will be go unnoticed?

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