اخبار كورة

Mbappe confronts Luis Enrique on the pitch after stumble against bottom club Clermont

Paris Saint-Germain are not in fine form and could only manage a draw against Clermont, in a match in which Luis Enrique had his sights set on next Wednesday's Champions League quarter-final first leg against Barcelona.

Kylian Mbappe came off the bench to salvage a point with his assist to Goncalo Ramos in the 85th minute to tie the game and prevent a Parisian defeat. But the most tense moment and after the bad result came when Canal+ France cameras captured a long-distance argument without looking at each other and shouting between Mbappe and Luis Enrique.

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In the images you can see the PSG star gesticulating as if he did not agree with some decision of the Spanish coach, gestures to which the coach responded while covering his mouth.

The relationship between the two, although not publicly recognized, is not going through its best moment and Mbappe is not at all satisfied with certain decisions of the Asturian coach, such as replacing him in matches. Next Wednesday, PSG will host Barcelona in the first leg of the Champions League quarter-finals at the Parc des Princes

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