Explained: Why Real Madrid played 'You'll Never Walk Alone' over Bernabeu tannoy after knocking Liverpool out of the Champions League

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WHAT HAPPENED? A solitary Karim Benzema goal secured a 1-0 win on the night and a resounding 6-2 victory on aggregate, with Madrid progressing to yet another Champions League quarter-final at the expense of last year's fellow finalists. The famous 'You'll Never Walk Alone' tune is a staple at Anfield nights, but having knocked out their English counterparts, Madrid will have surprised a few by electing to play it after Wednesday's fixture.

WHY WAS IT PLAYED? While at first glance it may have seemed a form of 'trolling' by the home side, in reality the gesture was a mark of deep respect between the two teams. The song was played over the Bernabeu tannoy as a message of thanks to Liverpool, after they offered support following the death of honorary Madrid president Amancio Amaro ahead of the first leg. Both sets of fans could be seen applauding each other for the mark of respect in what was a classy touch from the La Liga side.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: While Europe's elite competition continues to provide Madrid with joy amid an underwhelming league campaign, Jurgen Klopp's side were eliminated from another competition and thus denied their last chance of silverware this season, just a year on from being in the race to win a stunning quadruple in 2021-22.

WHAT NEXT? The international break arguably couldn't have come at a better time for Liverpool given their recent run of form, before their next match against reigning champions Manchester City on April 5.

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