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Bellingham: I won't disrespect Dortmund

WHAT HAPPENED? Bellingham continues to show class far beyond his years as he faced questions about his future ahead of his side's trip to Manchester City in the Champions League. Maintaining full respect for Dortmund, he was quick to claim that he hasn't given the rumours a second thought.

WHAT HE SAID: "The club have done loads for me and made me feel very welcome since I first came and gave me the opportunities to develop even further," said the England midfielder. "To look past that and into the future would be disrespectful. It's not something I am thinking about, to be honest."

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Despite Bellingham's dismissal of transfer talk, there will be a degree of acceptance at Dortmund that they might not be able to keep him for the rest of his career. Liverpool have been heavily linked with him in the past, but other suitors will no doubt make their own approaches.


WHAT NEXT FOR BELLINGHAM? There have been a number of reports recently claiming that next summer will be the one where Dortmund will be dealing with offers of around £100m for the 19-year-old. But, until then, he will be fully focused on helping his current employers in both the Bundesliga and the Champions League.

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