اخبار كورة

'Not fair!' - Klopp says players shouldn't be forced to make Qatar human rights statements at World Cup

WHAT HAPPENED? The German thinks it is not fair to pressure players to make political statements about the World Cup as it was not their decision to play the tournament in Qatar. Klopp spoke about the upcoming tournament after receiving the Freedom of Liverpool award in a ceremony on Thursday.

WHAT THEY SAID: "It's not about this generation's players to say now that we have to, that we don't go, or we don't do that, these are the players, the tournament is in Qatar, the players go there and play the game," he said. "The decision was made by other people and if you want to criticise anybody then criticise the people who made the decision, not the sport, not the competition and for sure not the players. So it's not fair to expect that they go there and make big political statements or whatever it's just not fair."

THE BIGGER PICTURE: The decision to hold the World Cup in Qatar has been criticised, not least because of the country's questionable human rights record and concerns have been voiced by some players. The Australia men's national team have released a video sharing concerns about human rights and workers’ welfare. Meanwhile, England captain Harry Kane will wear a One Love armband at the tournament, in support of LGBTQ+ rights, as part of a campaign against discrimination.


WHAT NEXT FOR KLOPP? The Reds boss takes his team to Tottenham in the Premier League on Sunday.

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