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Man is banned from touching every parking meter in Liverpool for two years after being convicted of theft

Man is banned from touching every parking meter in Liverpool for two years after being convicted of theft

  • Nicholas Brennan, 53, was caught stealing from one of the devices in the city 
  • Now every one of Liverpool's parking meters is off-limits to the convicted thief 

A court has banned a 53-year-old man from touching every parking meter in Liverpool. 

All of the city's devices are not off-limits to Nicholas Brennan for two years after he was convicted of theft.

Specifically, he has been told not to 'touch' or 'interfere' with any of Liverpool's parking meters.

The court order came after he was caught stealing from one of the machines in William Brown Street, Liverpool, and convicted for it. 

Brennan was issued a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) by justices at Liverpool Magistrates' Court, which confirmed the ban. 

Banned: Nicholas Brennan, 53, can no longer touch any of Liverpool's parking meters for two years, following a court order imposed by magistrates

It comes after Brennan was convicted of stealing from one parking meter in William Brown Street, Liverpool (stock image)

Community Policing Sergeant Charles Cottier, of Merseyside Police, said: ‘Offences against parking meters carry an enormous burden to the taxpayer which is unacceptable. 

‘For Liverpool City Council alone it is estimated to cost more than £100,000 per annum to repair damage to these machines.

‘Your Local Policing team has recognised this, and the CBO granted today against Brennan reflects his disregard for others. Should he breach the order then he could be imprisoned.’

Elsewhere, a lawyer has been warned not to climb any tree in Northamptonshire after he scaled one in a protest to try and save it from being chopped down.

Paul Powlesland climbed up the threatened tree on Tuesday to prevent it being felled by developers. His demonstration - played out on Twitter - began in a bid to try and save a line of old lime trees known as The Walks in Wellingborough, Northants.

And after spending most of the day 30ft in the air he eventually came down, only to be arrested and told that one of his bail conditions was to avoid going up any tree in the county.

He Tweeted: 'Thanks to @NorthantsPolice for cheering me up by giving me the hilariously ridiculous bail condition of 'Not to climb any tree in Northamptonshire.'

And referencing the poet, he added: 'John Clare would be proud!'

A Northamptonshire Police spokesperson said: 'One of the protestors has been arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass after he refused to leave the site and climbed a tree.'

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