اخبار كورة

Terrifying moment white car smashes through wall of primary school, leaving classroom in ruins but miraculously injuring no pupils

The is the terrifying moment a white car smashed through a wall of a primary school, leaving a classroom in ruins. 

The crash happened at Beacon Church of England Primary School in Everton, Liverpool, at around 8.30am yesterday.

Police, paramedics and fire engines rushed to the scene after witnesses saw the white car smash through the wall of the nursery - which was miraculously empty.

Ed Lamb, a local councillor, visited the school and shared a video of the destruction caused by the car crashing into a classroom - which he said would have been 'full of children' 10 minutes after the crash. 

The crash, which forced the school to close, happened at Beacon Church of England Primary School in Everton, Liverpool, at around 8.30am yesterday

The car threw children's toys, desks and debris all over the classroom when it crashed through the wall

Picture shows the hole left in the wall of the 'nursery' by the vehicle 

Police, paramedics and fire engines were called and rushed to the school to help where witnesses saw a car drive through the wall yesterday morning

The front of the vehicle was completely smashed with the bonnet almost doubled over on itself 

The white car went through a perimeter fence before smashing through the classroom wall and grinding to a halt at the next wall. 

The footage showed children's toys mixed in with the debris from the wall strewn all over the floor of the classroom. 

The vehicle's headlight was completely detached and laying on top of what appears to be crumpled desks. 

The front of the car was smashed with the bonnet almost doubled in on itself and cracks on the windscreen. 

The car left a square hole in the wall it burst through, with bricks and dust scattered all over the floor. 

The Wirral councillor said in the video: 'We are just after securing this nursery. Look at that, right through the wall, right through the steel fence.

'Lucky enough [there were no kids in here] they would have been in here ten minutes after that happened.

MailOnline has contacted Merseyside Police and the primary school. 

Beacon Church of England Primary School, which teaches children between the ages of two and 11, said yesterday: 'We are shocked at today’s incident but relieved that no children were in the classroom at the time.

'We would like to thank staff for the calm and professional manner in which they have dealt with this and for pupils, parents and carers for responding well and enabling us to evacuate the area safely.

Picture shows what appears to be crumpled desks in the aftermath of the classroom crash

Picture shows police gathered outside the school after the car ploughed into a classroom

'We are also very grateful for the prompt response of the emergency services. We will have the building properly assessed as a priority and hope to be able to open the majority of the building tomorrow but will confirm this directly to the school community in due course.'

Yesterday, the police confirmed that the school will be closed for the rest of the day.   

A spokesperson said: 'We can confirm that emergency services are in Everton following a road traffic collision at a school this morning, Monday 22 April.

'At around 8.30am, reports were received of a car in collision with The Beacon Primary School in Heyworth Street, Everton.

'The female driver of the car is being assessed at the scene. A passenger in the car sustained a minor injury.

'No other injuries were reported and no children were present in the area of the collision.

'The building will be assessed for any structural damage.

'The school will be closed for the rest of the day and road closures are in place. Please avoid the area.'

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