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The cutest video you will see all day: Watch the adorable moment a Liverpudlian baby who can't yet speak babbles in a Scouse accent

A Liverpudlian mother was left laughing hysterically when her baby daughter, who can't yet talk, 'answered back' when she was told it was bedtime - with the baby's 'Scouse accent' making fellow TikTokers howl. 

The minute-long clip, posted to TikTok, has racked up 15.8 million views in just three days, garnering more than 20,000 comments - almost all of them celebrating the baby's 'gibberish in a Scouse accent'. 

Posted by the account @iamcustardpot and captioned 'I love our conversations', the clip sees the mother ask her baby: 'Do you want to go to sleep?'

The baby appears to have understood the question and seemingly answers directly with a shake of the head and what sounds like 'No' in a throaty Liverpudlian accent. 

The mother then asks: 'Why don't you ever want to go to sleep?' 

The baby, who can't yet talk, appeared to respond directly to her mother's questions - albeit in a Liverpudlian accent

When the baby again shakes her head and babbles, the mother imagines her daughter is saying it's because she has energy.

The battle over bedtime continues with the mother telling her child that she's prepared everything for her, including her bottle and teddy.

The mother adds: 'And then you started kicking off'.

At that point, the baby reacts with more babble in what sounds like a distinctly Liverpudlian accent. 

The entertaining - and incredibly cute - clip becomes even funnier when the mother appears to be trying to negotiate with her baby.

She says: 'We've had a nice day together and now you're kicking off now.'

As the baby hilariously shakes her head and continues to 'answer back' the mother mimics her daughter's movements before saying: 'But you need to go to bed because you're only a baby.'

The mother takes a different tack and playfully tries to assert her authority by saying 'you need to listen to what I'm saying' - but the baby's having none of it, which sends her into a fit of laughter.

TikTokers were charmed by the baby's 'Scouse accent', with one commentator explaining how this happened

Fellow TikTokers rushed to share their amusement in the comments section, with one saying: 'Crying!!!! The baby is speaking in a scouse accent'.

Another posted: 'Gibberish in a Scouse accent is my new favourite'.

A third agreed: 'What's crazy is that it's a scouse accent in gibberish'.

A fourth TikTok user added: 'A baby scouse accent is killing me'.

A fifth person was equally charmed, writing: 'This is the first time I've heard a baby with a Scouse accent. Cutest ever'. 

A sixth person sought to make sense of the amusing situation, explaining: 'For anyone wondering about why she’s got a Scouse accent, babies mimic intonation and sounds before they learn words'.

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