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Everton captain Seamus Coleman is carried off on a stretcher following challenge from Leicester's Boubakary Soumare amid fears that defender may have suffered a serious injury

Everton captain Seamus Coleman is carried off on a stretcher following challenge from Leicester's Boubakary Soumare amid fears that defender may have suffered a serious injury

  • Everton captain Seamus Coleman had to be taken off due to injury
  • The defender was carried off on a stretcher in closing stages of the first half 
  • Coleman was caught by a challenge from Leicester's Boubakary Soumare 

Everton captain Seamus Coleman was carried off on a stretcher just before half time in his side's clash against relegation rivals Leicester.

The 34-year-old was challenged by Boubakary Soumare, with the Leicester player getting a yellow card.

As he was taken off on the stretcher Coleman was still attempting to gee up the Everton supporters.

Speaking on BBC Radio Five Live, former Manchester City player Michael Brown expressed concern that Coleman may have suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury.

Brown said: 'It doesn't look good [for Coleman].

Soumare just ran into the side of his shin and it could be an ACL injury.'

Seamus Coleman suffered an injury towards the end of the first half against Leicester

The Everton captain was carried off on a stretcher after a challenge from Boubakary Soumare

Coleman was replaced by Nathan Patterson in the fifth minute of stoppage time at the end of the first half.

The news regarding Coleman will be of concern to Everton as they look to avoid relegation.

As he was taken off on a stretcher, Coleman attempted to gee up the Everton supporters

Following the game against Leicester, Everton have four more games remaining this season - against Brighton, Manchester City, Wolves and Bournemouth. 

Coleman has been at Everton since 2009 and has made over 400 appearances for the club. 

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