Manchester United vs Brentford LIVE: Bruno Fernandes ends goal drought to give Red Devils perfect start in their final home match of the season, as Portuguese star converts Anthony Elanga's cross [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

'It's ugly, that. Whatever way you look at it, it's not good. We know it's a long way back for United, but of course there is a way back. Maybe the new manager is coming in at a good time because I always think it can't get any worse.

'It's the points total that worries me, to be so far behind. Even last year, you're thinking Ole did well. Such a big gap is a big problem for Man United. Whatever their problems, they have to look at where Man City are, where Liverpool are. Man City, Liverpool and these other teams aren't going to take it easy over the summer.

'They're going to reinvest, get players in and get stronger. Klopp might stay on, Pep might stay on. It comes down to recruitment: getting the right players in and getting players out of the door, because the last few years just haven't been good enough. How many times can you say it? The biggest frustration for me, when they've had these disappointments, is the reaction they've shown. There's been a real lack of leadership, not enough characters in that dressing room.'

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