Cricketers claim they were abused and verbally assaulted by fans attending Man United vs Rangers at Murrayfield with match forced to be abandoned [1] 0 تعليق 0 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف
  • Scottish police are investigating claims that football fans abused cricketers 
  • Murrayfield DAFS Cricket Club vs Stewart’s Melville Cricket Club was abandoned
  • The match was being played next to Murrayfield before Saturday's big friendly 

Cricketers claim they were assaulted and verbally abused by football fans going to a ‘friendly’ match at the home of Scottish rugby.

The match between Murrayfield DAFS Cricket Club and Stewart’s Melville Cricket Club was abandoned on Saturday afternoon, shortly before the start of the fixture between Rangers and Manchester United.

Police Scotland has now launched an investigation.

The cricket tie was taking place at Edinburgh’s Roseburn Park, which is situated a short distance from the rugby ground.

Murrayfield DAFS allege the abuse was perpetrated by football supporters heading to the game, and have criticised the lack of response from police officers positioned nearby.

Cricketers claim they were assaulted and verbally abused by football fans going to Murrayfield

Cricketers claim they were assaulted and verbally abused by football fans going to Murrayfield

Cricketers claim they were assaulted and verbally abused by football fans going to Murrayfield

The cricket pitch (top left) is just a stone's throw away from the iconic stadium

The cricket pitch (top left) is just a stone's throw away from the iconic stadium 

In one social media post, the club wrote: ‘Very upset that our 4th team had to abandon their game today due to a combination of sexist, homophobic and racist abuse at Roseburn Park outside Murrayfield Stadium on Saturday against Stewart’s Melville.

‘Not only that, there were two instances of physical assault on players.

‘The perpetrators were fans of football clubs playing at Murrayfield and police were standing 50 yards away.

‘It’s incredibly sad and desperate that we still have to deal with instances like this.

‘A complaint is being drafted to Police Scotland and the relevant authorities.

‘We have worked tirelessly to make Roseburn Park a welcoming, all-inclusive venue for cricket - but days like today harm that, especially when those who can help refuse.’

Phil Yelland, the president of Murrayfield DAFS, added: ‘Players playing any sport should be able to do so without fear of violence and without homophobic and racial abuse and other anti-social behaviour.

‘One of our players has made a report to the police.’

A spokesman for Police Scotland said: ‘Officers are carrying out enquiries after reports of abuse.’

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