Record breaker, history maker! Salah nets fastest-ever Champions League hat-trick in Liverpool's Rangers rout

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WHAT HAPPENED? Substitute Salah made Champions League history as he came off the bench to score three times in six minutes and 12 seconds in the 7-1 rout of Rangers in the Champions League - the fastest hat-trick in the history of the competition.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Salah had been left out of the starting line-up, but singlehandedly took the scoreline from 3-1 to 6-1 in a matter of minutes - first prodding home from the angle, then stopping the ball to beat two defenders before planting it into the net, and finally sweeping home a trademark finish from the edge of the box.


Mohamed Salah Rangers Liverpool 2022-23Getty ImagesSalah 2022-23 RangersGettySalah Rangers 2022-23Getty


WHAT NEXT FOR SALAH? Back in goalscoring form, Salah will be expecting start and hoping to star when the Reds take on Pep Guardiola's Man City in a Premier League blockbuster on Sunday.

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