Florentino Perez thinks big: A Super Bowl at the new Bernabeu?

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When the new Estadio Santiago Bernabeu was presented, it was already clear that it was not going to be a mere football stadium.

Florentino Perez has made sure of this, wanting the stadium to become one of the world's leading sports and leisure facilities.

One of his greatest wishes is for the Super Bowl to be held at the new Estadio Santiago Bernabeu in the future. The president of the club has set his sights on the United States and wants to offer one of the great sporting events a home in Madrid.

It may seem complicated to move the event, but the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu will be able to host an event of such a media scale in the future.

Florentino Perez thinks big: A Super Bowl at the new Bernabeu?

Meanwhile, the NFL continues to expand its market outside the United States. Several NFL franchises such as the Miami Dolphins and the Chicago Bears have already landed and done business in Europe, as well as the annual games that are played in London.

However, Florentino's idea is that other competitions such as the NBA will also have their place in the new complex, which is expected to be completed next year.

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