Marco Asensio a possible long-term replacement for Liverpool's Salah [1] 0 تعليق 2 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The Real Madrid attacker is out of contract in 2023 and could leave Spain

Salah's deal is also up next year and Liverpool are planning in case he leaves

Marco Asensio could replace Mohamed Salah at Liverpool. The Real Madrid forward is out of contract in 2023 and there is uncertainty surrounding his future. Various clubs are interested in him -- like Milan, Arsenal and Manchester United -- and despite not ruling out staying at the Santiago Bernabeu, he wants to play more.

Liverpool, meanwhile, are looking for solutions for the possible departure of Salah. The Egypt international is also out of contract next year and there is an expectation he will leave when his deal expires.

Therefore, the Champions League finalists have thought about Asensio as a possible long-term replacement for Salah. Madrid will not let him leave for less than €50 million, though.

In any case, if no satisfactory offer arrives, Asensio is also not against seeing out his contract in the Spanish capital and then making a decision on his future next summer, when he will have his pick of clubs as he will be available for free.

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