Ancelotti makes it clear what Nacho's role is

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If anyone was counting on Nacho Fernandez being demoted in the rotation plan that Carlo Ancelotti has in mind, the coach showed against Almeria that the Spanish centre-back will still get plenty of game time.

Nacho was christened "the pessimist" by his coach last season, meant in a positive way due to his ability to always prepare for the worst. That can be a valuable trait for a squad player and for a defender.

In Almeria he shared the Real Madrid back line with Antonio Rudiger for the first LaLiga Santander game of the season.

In a match in which Almeria's counter attacks were a threat, multiplied by the early goal from Largie Ramazani, Nacho ended up winning most of the duels with Umar Sadiq.

Almeria's giant is set to have a remarkable season at the club, or wherever he goes, yet he faded as he found himself unable to win his tussles with Nacho.

Nacho's decade-plus of service to Real Madrid

If Ancelotti believes in the academy graduate, who has been involved with the first team since 2011, it is not on a whim.

Last season, Nacho was a huge help in the Champions League comebacks. On the road to the final in Saint-Denis, Nacho played in every game except the defeat in against Paris Saint-Germain.

He didn't play against Liverpool, but Ancelotti didn't need to put him in for the player to know his importance in the team.

Nacho had once again been vital, on his way to what was his fifth Champions League medal.

"He's one of the healthiest players I've ever had," Ancelotti even said of the Spaniard.

That's because Nacho is the kind of player who is going to serve a purpose in any scenario. In good times or bad, whether he plays a lot or not at all.

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