Hazard's Belgium place questioned

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It was only a matter of time before Eden Hazard's difficult situation at Real Madrid began to have an impact on his role in the national team.

Now, the forward's role in the team has become a big talking point in his homeland with the World Cup on the horizon.

Until recently, his status for Belgium withstood any bad spell, no matter how delicate. He was expected to overcome the spate of injuries to return to lead the Belgian team.

However, now the physical problems that have given him so much grief are behind him.

Hazard's drought of minutes in Madrid is continuing and in Belgium they are already questioning whether that should have consequences for his role in the national team.

In other words, people in Belgium are beginning to ask if Hazard should really continue to be a 'starter' with the World Cup just around the corner.

Re-analyze the situation

The question is up in the air and coach Roberto Martinez is already beginning to address the controversy.

For the moment, the coach remains firm in his commitment to the captain, although he recognizes that something has changed and that he will have to analyze the situation in the coming weeks.

"Hazard is still a very important player for the national team, that's for sure," said Martinez in an interview with RTBF.

"His experience, his influence on opponents, his ability to take out a man, to create danger...

"In this profile he is still, in my opinion, one of the best in the world.

"But now we have to ask ourselves if he can still play 90 minutes or seven games in a very short period of time.

"It is very different and his situation can change a lot in the next five weeks.

"Everyone knows that Eden has played very few games for a long time and that has consequences.

"We will take stock of his situation as the World Cup approaches and see what role we can give him.

"I don't see him as a No.9 or even behind the striker.

"He has to play on the left and come into play from there.

"I also don't see him as an impact player coming off the bench.

"He is a player who has to carry the rhythm of the game from the start. We know exactly what we can expect from him."

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