Tite considers conservative approach against Serbia... and Vinicius' starting place is in doubt

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The days before the World Cup are full of suspense. For Brazil, who are the favourites, there first match takes place on Thursday, November 24, at 20:00 CET where they will face Serbia.

The Balkan outfit are a tough side with a strong attack and, for that reason, Brazil coach Tite is considering opting for a less fanciful line-up than of late.

The coach has traditionally been labelled as overly conservative at this stage, a label he has gradually shaken off. There is no greater example of this than during the September break, when he considered playing in Qatar with five attackers in Raphinha, Lucas Paqueta, Neymar, Vinicius and Richarlison.

Serbia's threat

The threat of Kostic, Vlahovic and Mitrovic has not gone unnoticed by Brazil. That is why, while working in Turin, their headquarters until they land in Doha on Saturday, they are considering sacrificing a striker for someone will bring more balance.

Vinicius, a possible substitute

Balance is a word commonly associated with Tite. In the event he removes a forward, one name emerges as the main casualty: Vinicius Junior.

His ten goals (and five assists) for Real Madrid, however, put him behind only Neymar among the candidates to start the World Cup.

Paqueta, who is more of a midfielder, could feature along with Neymar, Raphinha and Richarlison.

Tite will continue to think about it, while nothing has been decided and there is room for analysis.

On Thursday the 'professor' only opened the session to the media for 15 minutes, but focused more on practicing set-piece among other aspects.

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