Real Madrid won't make any new signings in January despite Benzema injury

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Real Madrid have been keeping a close eye on what's been going on with Karim Benzema in Doha.

The directors have been by the Real Madrid captain's side at all times, so much so that they have reiterated they have no doubts over his immediate future.

Los Blancos aren't considering signing a new striker in the January transfer window. It's a thought that's never crossed their mind as they believe they have more than enough cover with Benzema and Rodrygo Goes.

The injury, untimely as it is, comes at a crucial moment. It means Benzema will miss the World Cup, but he isn't being cast to the side by Real Madrid. The club are confident that he will once again be at the center of the attack this season, and that he will continue to do so next season as well.

Fatigue and overload

During the weeks leading up to the start of the World Cup training camp, Benzema had no injuries other than fatigue and muscle overload. He was always supervised by doctors, who gave him the green light.

The left thigh injury came out of the blue, but the Frenchman will already start his recovery today. With the World Cup no longer a reality, Benzema is focused on once again becoming the player he was last season.

Carlo Ancelotti said weeks ago that the club would not be making any additions, that the same players who started the season will be tasked with finishing it, except for those looking to leave on their own accord.

Nothing has changed. While Real Madrid will keep an eye on all things, there are no plans to actively pursue a fresh face.

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