Sergeant Pintus doesn't disappoint

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Antonio Pintus is very much at the helm of Real Madrid's pre-season plans, having already taken a lead role in the club's eight sessions, and so far the newly appointed fitness coach hasn't disappointed.

Under the supervision of Carlo Ancelotti, Pintus is in the limelight as his job is to ensure Los Blancos are no longer plagued by the raft of injuries which has prevented the team from hitting its full potential in the last couple of years.

Of the aforementioned eight sessions there have been two double sessions, and the week will come to an end with a training match against Fuenlabrada at Valdebebas.

Whilst this is the first pre-season match, there will also be a clash against Rangers pencilled in for July 25, which will be held in Scotland.

Pintus has been as clear in the first few days of his new stint as he was in the first spell at Real Madrid; his message is the players need to build their energy reserves.

The players are buying into this without a second thought, although they are yet to have a day off, and the volume of work is important in the early stages of pre-season.

Good news with regard to Lucas and Carvajal

At the moment everything is going according to plan and there hasn't been any major scares with regard to injuries.

Only Isco was absent in the first few training sessions due to a personal problem, whilst Martin Odegaard suffered a slight knock to his foot on Tuesday.

Luka Jovic worked separately from the group on Saturday, whilst Lucas Vazquez and Dani Carvajal started with certain restrictions after they ended last season injured.

The only setback has been the loss of Ferland Mendy, who is still recovering from the injury that ended his 2020/21 campaign prematurely.

Pintus has impressed in his first few days of work, and this is what Real Madrid were hoping for when they made the decision to bring him back to the club.

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