Barcelona and Real Madrid drift apart without a solution

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Nothing will ever be the same again in Spanish football. Real Madrid and Barcelona, or in other words Joan Laporta and Florentino Perez, have walked hand in hand in many respects over the last three years.

Not in all of them because in the long run each one defended their own interests, but everything that has happened around the Negreira case has distanced the two clubs and even more after Real Madrid's announcement that they will take part in the case.

On Sunday, the first of two Clasicos to be played in just three weeks is on the horizon.

Tensions are running high and if on paper it didn't seem very logical to arrange a lunch between the two sides, in the end it won't take place anyway, making it clear that relations have taken a clear step backwards between the leaders of the two clubs.

There is no official confirmation of the break in the league tradition of the pre-match meal, but it will certainly not take place.

There has been talk of the many meetings held recently between the two sides, but the truth is that it makes no sense in the current scenario to sit around a table, chat, joke and so forth.

Real Madrid's leaders defend their own interests and what they have done is to wait for the Public Prosecutor's Office to act, and since it has already done so, they have decided to take action by participating in the case.

They consider that one of the most harmed parties with everything that is coming out is Real Madrid and they will defend their interests until the last moment.

Laporta's response also left no doubt when Real Madrid made its statement.

The relationship has cooled down a lot. That does not mean that there will be no Real Madrid representation in the box, as Florentino Perez is not going to miss his team's trip to the Camp Nou.

Barcelona's stadium will be a cauldron of noise on Sunday and the 300 brave Real Madrid fans who come to the stadium with away tickets will feel it, in a stadium that has been unfriendly to rival supporters of late and not just those of the white club.

As MARCA reported on Monday, the Super League project is independent. Barcelona jumped on the bandwagon because they believe it is the best solution to their economic problems.

The project, in which the visible face is Florentino Perez, is organized by a company, A 22, in which the three clubs that are going ahead with the idea are participating.

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