Rodrygo Goes: It's an honor to wear Pele's 10, we're going to run for him to honor everything he did

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Real Madrid striker Rodrygo Goes has confirmed that it would be an honor to wear the number 10 shirt with the Brazilian national team shirt, with the famous jersey worn by the late Pele.

The Selecao are set to play in their first international since Pele's death and they want to take the opportunity to honor him with a win against Morocco on Saturday.

"I hope he's in a good place. Here, we are going to run for him to honor everything he did," Rodrygo explained in his pre-match press conference.

"We are aware that today we are known thanks to him."

The greatest footballer in Brazilian history died last December 29 at the age of 82, after suffering through a battle against cancer. He is fondly remembered in Brazil for winning three World Cups with the Selecao.

"I went to his house before I went to Real Madrid and we had a very good chat.

"I already admired him before I met him and after that conversation, I started to admire him a lot more," he added.

Both came through the Santos academy

Rodrygo also stressed that, like Pele and more recently Neymar, he too was trained at Santos as part of their academy and will now have the honor of following in the footsteps of both by wearing the number 10 shirt for the national team.

"For me it's an honor to follow in the footsteps of Pele, Neymar.... We all came out of Santos. I'm very happy and it's an honor for me. I hope to play a great game," he concluded.

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