Real Madrid's roadmap will not change: You can't win all the time

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Real Madrid's heavy defeat against Manchester City has caught the club by surprise as it did not expect such a catastrophe.

Thibaut Courtois prevented what could have been a historic defeat, but it makes no difference how many goals were scored, given the feeling of impotence that the team coached by Carlo Ancelotti transmitted from the beginning to the end of the match.

Florentino Perez, as he often does, went down to the dressing room - if before the match he wished his team good luck at the hotel, what he did after the defeat was to talk to the players and especially to Carlo Ancelotti for an analysis of what had happened.

What happened at the Etihad Stadium will not mean a change in the roadmap set by the club in the previous weeks.

What is certain is that they have reflected that the current team has some shortcomings, starting with finding a replacement for Karim Benzema.

The Frenchman has not been at his best throughout the season due to various physical problems and when he was expected in the decisive phase, he has not appeared either.

The club believes that if what has been done so far was worthwhile, there is no point in changing the helm of the Madridista ship.

Carlo Ancelotti will remain at the helm of the team, or at least that is the idea that remains after the defeat against Manchester City.

The defeat hurts a lot, but it is true that this one comes in the semifinal and until the match played at the Etihad the image of the team before in the European elite has been more than remarkable.

"You can't always win", repeated the leaders after the match in a self-conviction that the solution does not pass through painful decisions taken in the heat of the moment.

The meeting to come

With the season now over, in the next few days there will be a meeting between Florentino Pérez and Carlo Ancelotti, with Jose Angel Sanchez as witness to analyze what happened and see what possible improvements can be made to the team.

The club is trying to take a lesson from the defeat and not to make a drama out of it, something that would not be recognizing the three titles won by the team led by the Italian.

"Carlo has a contract with us," Emilio Butragueno told Movistar. "He is a prestigious coach and has won everything with us.

"It's a bad night for everyone and we are very sad and we have to recognize the superiority of the rival."

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