Who is Jordan Ozuna, Benzema's unknown girlfriend, and what does she do?

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Real Madrid player, Karim Benzema, may well be one of the most famous players in the world for his success with the white kit and his long history of goals.

As it could not be otherwise, the millions of fans who follow Karim are also interested in the footballer's personal and love life, although the Frenchman's partner is not very well known worldwide.

She is Jordan Ozuna and she is a young French woman who started dating the Madrid striker a few years ago, but both strive to keep their relationship in privacy.

The model has lived for a long time between Madrid and New York, where she focuses her professional activity, and is as discreet as Benzema or even more so.

They rarely publish photos together on social media and try not to let anything of their private and family life be known.

Benzema's relationship with Jordan Ozuna

"I don't like being in the spotlight, on TV, it's stupid for me," the current Ballon d'Or winner explained.

"I have my life, with my family and friends, and it's better and easier for them too.

"Imagine it, you are four years old and you live your life with the camera behind you. You can lose your mind."

Perhaps it has been Jordan Ozuna who has changed the way of seeing fame for the Real Madrid ace.

Something that is truly a fact is that they never publish anything on social networks that suggests that they are a couple.

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