Which Premier League hardman has Real Madrid star Vinicius Jnr rubbed up the wrong way in Pepsi's latest advertising campaign?

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Vinicius Jnr wound up a former Premier League hardman in Pepsi's latest advertising campaign.

The soft drink company possesses a star-studded line-up of footballers within its stable, with an advert launched earlier on Tuesday showing the likes of Jack Grealish, Vinicius Jnr, Leah Williamson and Son Heung-Min playing street football outside Wembley Stadium.

It was all part of Pepsi's 'Where There’s A Ball There’s A Way' campaign, which aims to celebrate the simplicity of football worldwide and encourage fans to find creative ways to play - even when there are restrictions - with Karen Carney and Vinnie Jones also having a role to play in the video.

And, in a separate advert, Real Madrid star Vinicius features again, alongside Jones, who is an extremely popular former top flight star. 

In the video, which looks to be set behind the scenes at a specific filming location, the Brazilian can be seen about to sit down on a chair with the initials VJ, the same as Jones.

Real Madrid star Vinicius Jnr clashed with Vinnie Jones in Pepsi's latest advertising campaign

Real Madrid star Vinicius Jnr clashed with Vinnie Jones in Pepsi's latest advertising campaign

Real Madrid star Vinicius Jnr clashed with Vinnie Jones in Pepsi's latest advertising campaign

It all started when Jones saw the Brazilian forward about to sit in a chair with the initials V.J.

This infuriated the former star of the Crazy Gang, who called Vinicius Jnr to air his concerns

This infuriated the former star of the Crazy Gang, who called Vinicius Jnr to air his concerns

The 23-year-old appeared to heed to Jones' concerns, before he instead decided to mock him

The 23-year-old appeared to heed to Jones' concerns, before he instead decided to mock him

Just as he was about to sit down, he received a call from the former star of the 'Crazy Gang', who said: 'Oi. Don't you dare sit in my chair.'

After cutting him off, Vinicius then moved away and appeared to apologise to Jones, in what seemed to be a victory for him.

However, the Real forward then picked up a Pepsi can and proceeded to gloat in the direction of the 59-year-old.

This left Jones furious and, after he was handed a piece of paper, he scrunched it up, before storming off set in angry fashion.

In the earlier advert, as Vinicius played football alongside his fellow stars, Jones made a late cameo appearance to seemingly start their hostilities.

Vinicius, Grealish, Williamson and Son knocked the ball around before Jones came into boot it away.

He then added: 'Oi, there's only one Vinnie J,' as the Real Madrid star laughed.

Jones was left furious by the whole episode with Vinicius Jnr and stormed out of the room

Jones was left furious by the whole episode with Vinicius Jnr and stormed out of the room

Jones and the Real Madrid star featured in an earlier Pepsi advert, where they also clashed

Jones and the Real Madrid star featured in an earlier Pepsi advert, where they also clashed 

Jones is best known for his role in Wimbledon's FA Cup win in 1987-88, when the Crazy Gang shocked Liverpool to win the club's only major trophy.

Since his retirement, Jones has enjoyed a hugely successful acting career, featuring in multiple films, TV shows and adverts, winning several awards in the process.

Meanwhile, Vinicius is one of the best footballers in the world and was in Champions League action on Tuesday night as Real took on Bayern Munich in the first leg of their semi-final clash.

“Where There’s A Ball There’s A Way” celebrates the simplicity of football and encouraging fans around the world to find creative ways to overcome the restrictions that prevent their enjoyment of the game. 

Going forwards, Pepsi Max’s “Where There’s A Ball There’s A Way” campaign will see the brand unlock unexpected ways to play, both on and off the pitch. Fans can follow Pepsi Max channels to see more as the campaign unfolds: X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook.

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