David Beckham raises alarm bells after appearing with a more swollen face: "He's in decline, horrible"

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In the latest broadcast of 'Aruser@s', one of the most striking images they analyzed was the reappearance of David Beckham with a swollen face. The former soccer player for teams such as Real Madrid, Manchester United, Milan and PSG, among others, was the protagonist of NBC's 'Today' program.

Alfonso Arus, presenter of the La Sexta program, pointed out that the face of the Inter Miami owner is "slightly more swollen". For her part, the collaborator Tatiana Arus has assured that "we imagine that it is due to some aesthetic touch-up", although she also pointed out that "it is not his best shot nor is he favored".

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"It is true that sometimes when you undergo some kind of aesthetic touch-up, the swelling must go down," said the young woman. The most critical was the talk show host Patricia Benitez, who did not mince her words and was as honest as possible: "She is in decline (...) Horrible."

Alfonso Arús: "The light does not affect that gesture that prevents him from smiling"

"It's true that it gives the feeling that it's hard for him to even laugh because he can't move the muscles in his face. It's a bit strange... Maybe the studio light is not the best," said Angie Cardenas to defend the athlete in some way. However, she was met with the firm response of Alfonso Arus, who did not agree with her: "The light does not affect that gesture that prevents him from smiling," he said.

At the moment, it is not known if David Beckham has undergone any cosmetic touch-ups in recent days, but what is clear is that these images have raised controversy in recent hours. The Briton is considered to be the person who changed the relationship between footballers and the fashion world, partly because of his relationship with a woman like Victoria, a singer followed by millions of people.

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