اخبار كورة

Real Madrid departee Gareth Bale offers himself to Getafe

The Welsh winger could end up moving south to the capital city minnows

Gareth Bale could sign for Getafe CF this summer. The Welsh winger, leaving Real Madrid on a free transfer, is looking for a club to keep playing with so he can arrive at the Qatar 2022 World Cup in good shape.

Getafe president Angel Torres said that Bale’s agent had offered the forward to the Madrid side.

“About 45 to 50 minutes ago I spoke with his agent,” said the Getafe chief at next season’s kit launch.

“I have to have a look at it and speak to the coach, I don’t know if he will come.”

It would be a wild signing but in football, anything can happen.

Bale, 32, has not had a good time at Real Madrid over the last few years and many fans whistled him on his rare appearances.

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