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Haaland has 2024 release clause that would let him join Real Madrid

Former Real Madrid player and former president of Malaga, Fernando Sanz, has claimed that Erling Haaland has a clause in his contract with which he can join Real Madrid from Manchester City in 2024.

The Norwegian striker is in his first season in the Premier League and he has already scored 15 goals for his new club, looking set to break all the records that lay before him.

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As Sanz claimed on El Chiringuito, the striker has the chance to take his immense talent to Real Madrid in 2024 instead.

"The information I have is that there is an exit clause for Haaland in the second year, and the curious thing is that it has very beneficial conditions compared to the rest for one club, which is Real Madrid," explained the son of Lorenzo Sanz, former president of Real Madrid.

Haaland has different release clauses at Manchester City

There are different release clauses included in Haaland's contract at Manchester City, as was reported by MARCA back in July 2022.

The release clauses at Manchester City are 200 million euros in 2024 and 175m euros in 2025.

The Norwegian managed to impose two release clauses on Manchester City. It is the same formula he has used to leave Borussia Dortmund for 70m euros and RB Salzburg in 2019 for 20m euros.

These release clauses are linked to the prior achievement of sporting objectives.

Haaland's future plan could go through Spain

Alfie Haaland, father of Erling Haaland, revealed in the documentary 'Haaland, the big decision' that his son wants to play in multiple leagues.

"I think Erling wants to test his abilities in all leagues, then he can stay in them for three or four years at the most," Alfie Haaland said.

"He could be, for example, two and a half years in Germany, two and a half years in England and then in Spain, Italy, France, right?"

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