اخبار كورة

Arturo Vidal challenges Real Madrid: We'll smash you at the Club World Cup!

Following their triumph against Athletico Paranaense in the 2022 Copa Libertadores final in Ecuador, several Flamengo players have turned their attention to a possible clash against Real Madrid at the Club World Cup.

The Club World Cup features the winners of each confederation's flagship competitions, and pits them against each other in a tournament to crown the world champions each year.

Real Madrid will represent Europe following their 14th Champions League triumph, with Flamengo being confirmed as participants too after their South American win.

Several of Flamengo's stars have come out and stated that their intention is to topple Real Madrid, with Filipe Luis the first to stoke tensions when he stated that that Flamengo were coming for the Spanish club.

Arturo Vidal challenges Real Madrid

One of Flamengo's high-profile players is Chilean Arturo Vidal, who between 2007 and 2022 had a stellar career in Europe claiming nine league titles in total with the likes of Juventus, Bayern Munich, Inter and Barcelona.

However, following his latest win, Vidal held nothing back, plainly stating that Flamengo would not give their Spanish rivals an inch when they meet.

"Real Madrid, we are going to smash your ass!" shouted Vidal, who had a brief stint with Real Madrid's perennial rivals Barcelona, during Flamengo's celebrations.

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