اخبار كورة

Real Madrid do not want to lose ground in the Endrick transfer race

The race to sign Endrick has entered its decisive phase. Interested clubs have brought out their firepower and the conclusion is getting very close. Some are in a hurry (the player's family and entourage) with meetings in Doha. Others travelled to Brazil a few days ago and are making every effort, and admit it, to convince the striker, who still has to spend a season and a half in Sao Paulo before he can set foot on European soil.

Barcelona, through their coach, spoke openly and surprisingly about their interest in signing the player and the talks they have held to secure his signature. PSG have also approached the player, as have the directors of Real Madrid, who were present in Sao Paulo in the days before the start of the World Cup, in an attempt to see if Endrick is the player scouts believe him to be.

Madrid, the first

Real Madrid were the first to take steps to approach Endrick and Palmeiras about the possibility of signing a youngster who was just 16 years old and who was dazzling the football world. The club respected codes, warning the Brazilian club's directors of every move they made. The first thing was the presence of the player and his family in Madrid. Visits that were repeated in Barcelona and Paris. Leila Pereira, president of Palmeiras, knows everything that is happening. She feels safe with the 60 million buyout clause.

What has happened to reactivate everything and to make it seem that the decision has to be made imminently? Quite simply, from Brazil the father announced his trip to Madrid in the next few days. Then came the words of Xavi and the movements of Deco (Barcelona's representative in the operation) to try to close a deal with the player. Meanwhile, PSG have also moved in Doha to achieve a compromise that has failed to come to anything as yet. Chelsea is the remaining club interested.

Juni Calafat, in Sao Paulo

The exit clause for June 2024 is nothing less than 60 million euros, a risky operation that must be closed a year and a half before Endrick's arrival in Europe. Real Madrid officials have moved swiftly, but have not closed a deal. Juni Calafat, Real Madrid's international director, was in Sao Paulo recently and the impression he got was good, although there is still no definitive offer.

The club wants to sign the player, but does not want to be part of a public auction. Madrid's directors know that competing against other teams means moving with the youngest talents. It was surprising that Xavi openly acknowledged that he had spoken to the player, which makes everything more urgent with regards to a 16-year-old prodigy.

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