اخبار كورة

Karim Benzema pulls off a miracle and could play in Qatar 2022 World Cup

Karim Benzema is practically recovered from injury and there are rumors that indicate that the Real Madrid striker could return to the Qatar 2022 World Cup with the French national team, as reported by the French media RMC Sports.

After leaving the concentration of the French national team in Qatar, the winner of the Ballon d'Or in 2022, has already had communication with coach Didier Deschamps to return.

France has not eliminated him from the World Cup list. RMC Sport claims that the striker could return to the French national team if he is fully recovered. FIFA regulations allow it.

At the moment, Karim Benzema is in Madrid, waiting for the approval of his doctors to make another trip to Qatar for a last test with the French doctors.

What happened to Karim Benzema

Benzema felt discomfort during training with the France national team just days before the start of the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

Medical examinations carried out on the Real Madrid striker confirmed an injury to the quadriceps of the left thigh that "will require a convalescence period of three weeks".

Benzema returned to Madrid and started his recovery which seems to be going better than expected and rumors of his return to France are getting stronger and stronger.

After French media ECM Sports reported that Benzema could return to the national team's training camp, Benzema uploaded a photo to social networks. He is in a gym on an exercise bike and wrote: "Nine.

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