اخبار كورة

New photos of ex-Manchester United striker Chicharito at a party cause controversy on social media

Javier 'Chicharito' Hernandez's first goal for Chivas Rayadas del Guadalajara turned into an event, to the extent that the striker continued the celebrations late into the night on Saturday.

As we reported in Marca, Chicharito was back amongst the goals for Chivas after 14 years away, during which time the Mexican striker made his own history with teams such as Manchester United, Real Madrid, Bayer Leverkusen, West Ham, Sevilla and LA Galaxy.

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Chicharito opened the scoring in Guadalajara's 3-2 win over Puebla, keeping the Rebano Sagrado in contention for a place in the Liga MX Clausura 2024 Play-In zone.

Controversy follows Chicharito

After Chiverio's victory over La Franja, a photo appeared on social media, allegedly of Chicharito Hernandez, who followed the celebrations of his goal by heading to a nightclub in La Perla de Guadalajara.

The tattoos on his right arm confirm that it is Hernandez who appears to be drinking straight from a bottle on Saturday night, with no further details of the festivities.

Guadalajara will return to training on Tuesday ahead of their clash with Pachuca, which takes place on Saturday 13 April at the Estadio Hidalgo.

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