اخبار كورة

Luka Doncic gets a special visit before beating the Clippers

Florentino Perez watched the third game of the series between the Dallas Mavericks and Los Angeles Clippers from the front row. The Real Madrid president witnessed the Mavericks take the lead in the series with a 101-90 win.

Luka Doncic came to greet him just before warming up. He was about to shoot when he saw Perez on the court next to Javier Barrio, the Slovenian point guard's personal physiotherapist whom he knew when he played for Real Madrid.

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Doncic was chatting with the Real Madrid president and then returned to the warm-up.

At the end of the game, the point guard crossed the court to return to talk to Perez, sitting in front of the Clippers bench, but he was called back for the post-match television interviews. The farewell had to wait.

Grateful for the visit

"That explains how great Real Madrid is, that Florentino came to see me in a playoff game is unbelievable. I thanked him very much for coming to see me. It's incredible that he's here," said the Slovenian player at the press conference.

Doncic has always shown his Madridism and it is common for him to comment on or post photos on social media of his former team's games in both football and basketball.

Despite his short presence on the court due to injury, he was the key player in the Mavericks' pre-season visit to Madrid. He said he wanted to return to his former home and he did.

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