Shock in Italy: Fiorentina's Bove collapses in match against Inter

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Bad news from Italy. Fiorentina player Edoardo Bove collapsed unconscious on the pitch in the 17th minute of the match against Inter Milan.

Medical services quickly entered the field to attend to him and the players formed a circle around him to prevent their teammate from being seen. The referee has suspended the match for medical emergency and it will be resumed at a later date, as the situation seems very serious. Lega Serie A said that "an ambulance took the player away, we are waiting for news".

At the moment, Bove is breathing independently, but is still not conscious. He is in the Careggi polyclinic hospital in Florence. In the stadium, at the moment, the fans are still present in absolute silence. The players went into the dressing rooms, most of his Fiorentina teammates were particularly shocked and some were in tears.

Inter's Federico Dimarco and Nicolo Barella helped the medical staff as much as possible to speed up the transfer process with their national team-mate.

اخلاء مسئولية! : هذا المحتوى لم يتم انشائة او استضافته بواسطة موقع اخبار الكورة و اي مسؤلية قانونية تقع على عاتق الموقع مصدر الخبر : marca [1] , يتم جمع الاخبار عن طريق خدمة ال RSS المتاحة مجانا للجمهور من المصدر : marca [1] مع الحفظ على حقوق الملكية الخاصة بمصدر الخبر.

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