اخبار كورة

First glimpse of Zlatan Ibrahimovic in his acting debut

At 40 years of age, Zlatan Ibrahimovic is approaching retirement age for a footballer. In fact, he's probably passed it already- very few players make it past 35, let alone 40. Despite continuing to performing at the highest level in Serie A with AC Milan, injuring a proving to be an issue for the Swedish legendary goal scorer.

This might explain Ibra's latest on screen adventure. Sweden's all-time top goal scorer has recently tried his hand at acting, and is due to star in the upcoming film Asterix and Ovelix: The Silk Road. The Swede will play the Roman centurion Caius Antivirus in the French comedy-action film, directed by Guillaume Canet.

In the latest trailer of the new film, which is not released in cinemas until next year, Zlatan can be seen in two scenes. In the first, the footballer, temporarily turned actor, can be seen taking off his Roman helmet and smashing an enemy in the face with it during a battle. In the second scene, he is stood in front of his Roman army with his arms up and soldiers chanting his name, as if he were a God.

The striker seems to fit the role perfectly: his imposing tall frame and muscly build is what one might expect from a Roman general.

Zlatan isn't the first footballer to try his hand at acting. Zinedine Zidane made an appearance in the 2008 movie Asterix at the Olympic Games. Other sportsmen such as Tony Parker and Michael Schumacher took part in the film. Eric Cantona is also now a fully-fledged actor after making the transition from football.

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