اخبار كورة

Juventus collapses: Board of Directors resigns, including President Agnelli

The Juventus board of directors announced on Monday that they were resigning en bloc. Just a few hours ago the rumors began and within minutes they were followed by official actions: president Andrea Agnelli, his deputy Pavel Nedved and managing director Maurizio Arrivabene left their respective positions, following an extraordinary meeting held at the Continassa.

With them, they also left their positions: Laurence Debroux, Massimo Della Ragione, Katryn Fink, Daniela Marilungo, Francesco Roncaglio, Giorgio Tacchia and Suzanne Keywood.

This move marks the end of one of the club's most successful eras, which since Andrea Agnelli took over as president (May 19, 2010) has won a record nine consecutive league championships.

The reasons for the resignation

The reason for the massive separation from office would be a series of police investigations related to two economic maneuvers of the 'Vecchia Signora' could have been the reason for this collective resignation.

The first was an alleged inflation of the prices of their players to get a higher profit at the time of selling them to other clubs. The second would be fiscal year 2020, when due to the crisis generated by the pandemic, the club agreed to defer payments to certain players who were not included in that year's fiscal year.

This investigation, called Prisma, was opened by the Turin prosecutor's office for alleged false accounting, and led to the revision of the draft budget to be approved and the postponement of the shareholders' meeting (now set for December 27), leading to the unanimous decision to dismiss the current board of directors.

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