Golden Shoe 2022-23: European football's top scorers

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While various Golden Boots are up for grabs within the leading divisions across Europe, there is only one Golden Shoe that can be acquired in any given season by the continent’s most prolific marksman.

The race to claim that prestigious prize is up and running once more, with some iconic forwards set to lead the charge for an individual accolade that marks them out as being superior to all of their fellow frontmen.

Robert Lewandowski, who has swapped Bayern Munich for Barcelona, finished in top spot last season with 35 league goals to his name – closely followed by the likes of Kylian Mbappe, Karim Benzema and Ciro Immobile – and GOAL is on hand to keep you across all of the runners and riders in the 2022-23 campaign.

*Note: List only includes top scorers from the Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A and Ligue 1.

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