Relive Ramires' iconic lob for Chelsea against Barcelona

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WHAT HAPPENED? Down to 10 men after John Terry had been handed a red card in the second leg of the Champions League semi-final against Barcelona, Ramires chipped Frank Lampard's through ball over the head of Victor Valdes. Fernando Torres famously went on to seal victory in the tie in stoppage time.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Ramires now ends his playing career at 35 years old, having last played for Palmeiras in his native Brazil.

WHAT NEXT FOR RAMIRES? He has suggested he will pursue a career outside of football, writing: "I'm going to go in other directions, but with the same happiness and courage I've had since I was a child, when, against all expectations, I left my city in the interior of Rio de Janeiro to win the world. Thanks for everything, football!"

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