Embarrassing! Antony hits deck with awful dive for Brazil

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WHAT HAPPENED? With their World Cup quarter final clash still level at 0-0 after 56 minutes, Antony came off the bench for Barcelona ace Raphinha. However, he let himself down not long after, hitting the deck in dramatic fashion despite there clearly being no contact made by Ivan Perisic in his attempt to win the ball.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Antony is well-known for his flair and has been criticised for his showboating in the past. However, this is something else entirely and it certainly won't win him any plaudits.


WHAT NEXT FOR ANTONY? After Brazil's exploits at the World Cup, the winger will return to action in England, with Manchester United next playing competitively against Burnley in the Carabao Cup on December 21.

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