اخبار كورة

Messi shines but Mbappe struggles as PSG fail to beat Benfica

PSG's quest for a first Champions League title continued in Portugal against Benfica, and they needed brilliance at both ends of the pitch to ensure they took home a precious point.

Messi offered yet another reminder of his genius with the opening goal that came rather against the run of play. That's now 127 times the Argentine has netted in Europe's top competition.

PSG remain unbeaten this season but so too are Benfica, and the Portuguese side threw plenty at the Ligue 1 champions in an entertaining game at a noisy Estádio da Luz.

Goalkeeper Donnarumma was kept busy throughout the 90 minutes but also played a key role to ensure the French champions avoided defeat and remain in a strong position to qualify for the last 16.

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