اخبار كورة

Ronaldo signing is 'extraordinary' for Saudi football - Garcia

WHAT HAPPENED? The Portuguese international sealed his move to Saudi Arabia's Al-Nassr after leaving Manchester United by mutual consent following his now infamous interview with Piers Morgan on TalkTV. He touched down in Riyadh late at night on Monday and is set to be unveiled in his new club colours on Tuesday. Garcia is delighted to have one of the greats of all time at his disposal and believes that Ronaldo's signing will provide a big boost for Saudi Arabian football.

WHAT THEY SAID: “The signing of a player the size of Cristiano Ronaldo is extraordinary and contributes to the development of Saudi football,” said the Al-Nassr boss.

“We are happy with his arrival. The first goal is to work so he can adapt to our team, to enjoy playing for Al Nassr, and to entertain the fans.”

THE BIGGER PICTURE: The 37-year-old has signed a deal with Al-Nassr until 2025 and is reportedly set to receive the biggest salary in the history of the game, worth close to £173 million per year. Ronaldo's playing earnings will amount to £62m ($75m) with the rest of his pay packet made up of image rights and commercial deals. He is also set to play a role in Saudi Arabia's bid for World Cup 2030.


WHAT NEXT FOR RONALDO? The forward could be in full training with Al Nassr before their upcoming match against Al-Ta'ee on Thursday in the Saudi Pro League, but is unlikely to make his debut until later this month.

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