Gavi is a competitive beast

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Just a few weeks after emerging onto the top-flight football scene, Gavi has become one of the highest-rated prodigies in European football.

Thanks to his skillset, commitment and character, the Barcelona youngster has drawn applause and praise by fans, coaches, players and former footballers as he has been constantly improving on the pitch.

In Spain's 2022 World Cup qualifier against Sweden, Gavi seemed to have overcome the tension and stress surrounding La Roja's crucial game and produced a man-of-the-match display on the Estadio de La Cartuja pitch in Seville.

"If I decide to bring Gavi it is because I think I know him and because he can do things well," Spain boss Luis Enrique said after the game.

"And he has played a spectacular match in front of 50,000 fans. I knew what he could give, the player profile he has. I knew he could be very useful for us and he is showing it."

Against Sweden, Gavi registered a 95 percent rate in completed passes, as well as a few ball recoveries and several duels won.

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