Laporta on Haaland: All the great players think about joining Barcelona

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Joan Laporta has refused to rule out the possibility of Barcelona signing Borussia Dortmund star Erling Haaland.

The Catalans' financial complications have been well documented, but that hasn't prevented them from signing Ferran Torres this January, with Alvaro Morata likely to follow imminently. Now, Barcelona fans can continue to dream of landing the Norwegian.

"All the great players think about joining Barcelona," Laporta said when asked about the chances of Haaland's arrival next summer. "We're still a point of reference in the transfer market.

"I don't want to talk about specific players. It doesn't benefit us in any way, because their value increases. We're looking to reinforce where the coach [Xavi Hernandez] wants.

"Barcelona are a reference in the transfer market. We're working to improve the squad, and we'll soon see Barcelona's resurgence."

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