Barcelona remember Messi on his birthday

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It will soon be a year since Lionel Messi and Barcelona parted ways. His departure was unexpected and painful, but the Blaugrana have remembered his 35th birthday on Friday.

The club not only wished Messi happy birthday on their social networks but also made a compilation of his best moments which they published on their website.

This compilation consists of moments such as his debut, his performances at the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu, goals, assists, training sessions, his connection with Neymar, some of his interviews and his awards.

Messi's records

Messi, who is currently on holidays with his family in Ibiza, left the Camp Nou on August 5, 2021.

He departed Barcelona as the player with the most games played (767), the most titles won (35), the most goals scored (671) and the most victories registered (542) in their history.

The Paris Saint-Germain forward is also the player with the most Golden Boots (six) and the most Ballon d'Or prizes (six) won, also being the only man in the history of football to win the Ballon d'Or, FIFA World Player of the Year, Pichichi Trophy and Golden Boot in the same season (2009/10).

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