Conflict between Frenkie de Jong and his agents over his future [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The Dutch midfielder does not want to go but Ali Dursun thinks he should take Chelsea switch

Frenkie de Jong’s name is still a transfer market buzzword. The Dutch midfielder wants to stay at Barcelona and succeed there in his fourth season. He considers himself useful for Xavi. However the club have told him he must reduce his salary to stay. The wage bill is still out of control.

In England they say that De Jong has had some arguments with his agent, Ali Dursun, who believes he should accept a move to the Premier League. The player has rejected Man United on various occasions as he does not rate their project.

Now he has interest from Chelsea, who are in the Champions League at least. His agent is not in favour of De Jong reducing his salary and giving up the 20m euros or so of salary payments he agreed to defer. 

Barcelona will keep pressing him to do one of the two, while they try to go about trying to register their new signings.

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