Pep Guardiola casts doubt on his future at Manchester City: Will he return to Barcelona?

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Pep Guardiola will become the longest-serving coach in the Premier League at the end of the current season 2023/24, after German Jurgen Klopp announced his departure from Liverpool at the end of the campaign, with the Catalan having been Manchester City's manager since the 2016/17 season.

In that time, Guardiola managed to take City to the next level, dominating the Premier League by winning 5 of the 7 leagues he has played in, in addition to other titles such as the Champions League, which he finally won last season, as well as the FA Cup, completing the Treble.

Xavi Hernández announces that he will leave FC Barcelona on June 30Twitter

Is Guardiola leaving after Klopp?

However, following the news that Klopp was leaving Liverpool, questions have been raised as to whether Guardiola could stay at City beyond the end of his contract, which expires in 2025. Pep himself at a press conference questioned his possible renewal, saying that at the moment, he is still not sure.

Guardiola has the opportunity to repeat the treble this season, being alive in all competitions except the League Cup, being 5 points behind leaders Liverpool in the Premier League with a game in hand, qualifying for the round of 16 of the Champions League and in the fifth round of the FA Cup.

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