Matchday LIVE: Man City, Liverpool, PSG and Real Madrid all in action for final round of Champions League group stage

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The focus is all on Group A to start the day, with Manchester City and PSG both already qualified for the knockout stages.

City will go through as group winners, having amassed 12 points so far, with PSG second in the group with eight.

The race for a Europa League spot, though, is very much on with RB Leipzig currently in pole position with four points and an even goal differential.

Club Brugge, meanwhile, also have four points, but a -11 goal difference.

RB Leizpig won the most recent meeting between the two, a 5-0 runaway in Belgium, with Brugge winning 2-1 in Germany early in the campaign.

Here's what we have to look forward to this evening (kick-off 20:00 GMT unless stated):

Welcome to GOAL's matchday blog as the final round of Champions League group games begin. Can you believe we are here already?

Eleven clubs are through and another 11 are competing for the remaining five slots over the next two evenings.

Let's do this!

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