Bale starts for Wales

marca [1] 0 تعليق 18 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

Gareth Bale has been named in Wales' starting XI on Saturday evening for their World Cup qualifier against Belarus, despite not having featured for Real Madrid since August 28 against Real Betis.

The Welshman started the season on the right foot under Carlo Ancelotti, playing in the first two LaLiga Santander games of the campaign, but then fell injured in training and has been sidelined for two months since.

Having returned to training last week, he was then called up by Wales for the November international window.

Bale is playing his 100th game for his country on Saturday, and it will be his fourth international appearance of the season. He has played just three times for Real Madrid.

"I'm ready," Bale said earlier in the week. "Obviously I'm not at my best, but I've worked to be back in time and I'm as good as I could be now.

"I haven't played for two months, so I have no rhythm, but I'll give my best. I don't know if I'll be able to play the whole game, but I'll give 100 percent as that's what I always demand of myself."

Wales are unlikely to top their group, but have already secured a playoff place due to their performance in the Nations League.

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