Carlo Ancelotti celebrates Real Madrid's LaLiga title with a win for his horse 'Gala Real' in Paris

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Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti is enjoying a streak of success not just on the soccer field but also on the racecourse.

Fresh off securing the 2023/24 LaLiga title with Real Madrid, Ancelotti had another reason to celebrate as 'Gala Real,' a three-year-old filly he owns, clinched victory at the prestigious La Seine Listed Stakes at the Longchamp Racecourse.

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The race, which featured a prize of 27,500 euros, saw 'Gala Real' compete over a distance of 2,200 meters. Under the guidance of veteran Basque jockey Ioritz Mendizábal, the filly, trained by Marco Botti - an esteemed trainer for Ancelotti's horses - won by a narrow margin.

'Gala Real' is now among the favorites for the upcoming Prix de Diane Longines (Group 1), scheduled for June at the Chantilly Racecourse.

The victory at Longchamp is not just a testament to the quality of Ancelotti's racing venture but also highlights his diverse interests and successes outside of soccer.

As 'Gala Real' prepares for her next challenge, the spotlight on Ancelotti's achievements in the world of horse racing continues to grow, adding an exciting chapter to his illustrious career.

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