Morata and Cuadrado apologise to Bonucci for uploading photo of him naked in Juventus dressing room

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Alvaro Morata has apologised to Leonardo Bonucci after a photo was published to Instagram in which the Juventus centre-back is standing naked in the background after coming out of the dressing room shower.

Juan Cuadrado took a selfie on Morata's Instagram account, which has over 16.5 million followers, and it was quickly deleted.

The striker then uploaded a photo of Cuadrado, with a caption apologising to Bonucci.

"We're sorry," read the caption.

Cuadrado - Morata - Bonucci - Juventus

Alvaro Morata and Juan Cuadrado apologise to Leonardo Bonucci for uploading photo of him naked.Instagram (@alvaromorata)

The original photo was uploaded after a Juventus training session ahead of their upcoming Coppa Italia final against Inter on Wednesday night.

Previous Juventus incident

It is not the first time that a teammate of Bonucci's has taken a photo in the dressing room in which he has appeared naked in the background.

In 2018, the same thing happened when Cristiano Ronaldo took a photo with opponent Raoul Bellanova, while Giorgio Chiellini was naked in the background.

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