SER: Barcelona want to rid €160 million from their 'inflated' wage bill [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The club's wage bill is still huge despite some painful exits in recent years

Barcelona's financial situation remains in a bad moment. Due to what the current board inherited, the pandemic and also due to the elevated wage bill. The contracts of some of the players in the squad, signed years ago, are totally disproportionate and are holding Barça back on the transfer market and within LaLiga's Fair Play rules.

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According to La 'SER', Barça's objective is to drop their wage bill from 560 million euros to 400 million (this figure includes amortisation payments on transfer fees). They are aware it will be difficult, but that's the target for the summer.

As explained by vice president for finance Eduard Romeu last week in an interview with RAC1, the wage bill at Barça is almost double Bayern Munich's, which is around 300 million. Real Madrid's is about 400 million.

"The salaries are completely disproportionate and inflated," Romeu said. "No one has committed a crime or deceived anyone, but we have to negotiate more intensely."

In this sense, Barça are looking at further wage cuts to adjust to the reality of the club's situation. They will go case by case to reduce pay packets, transfer players and they could even rescind contracts.

As Romeu said: "The negotiations will always be individual. The most costly ones are the ones that have to be negotiated first."

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